Monday, November 5, 2012

The Vindictive

Parts of some people's personality rears its ugly head once again.  Vindictiveness might win a few battles, but never wins the war.  I hope your new savior saves your ass, but keep in mind, I've seen you point fingers at others (including me) - telling them to take responsiblity for their own mistakes, while you do everything possible to avoid taking responsiblity for YOUR crap.  Self responsiblity is an all way street - I know how much you hate hearing that, but well, eat it with a spoon, and don't come whining to me when you choke on it all.  And yes, you know who you are.

I sleep very well, you do not, I like my own company, you do not, and my conscience is and has always been clear, while yours will never be.  I often wonder how lying, pathetic people live with themselves - I guess that's one thing I'll never know - and I'm just fine with that.

P.S.  Don't bother contacting me ever again, I do much better without people like you causing me grief.

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