It's 1982, my wife at the time, Lynda, me, and our newborn son, Clint, move to Hawaii. I've given Lynda bass lessons for a month while we were still in San Diego. We spent four hours a day, five days a week, drilling her. To her credit, she wasn't lazy about it, she put in the time, she did the work.
So, we're setting out to put a band together. The first venue we come across was Pecos River Cafe, in its original location at the Pearl City Shopping Center. We're of course, doing what we can to find competent players, and at first, well, not so much with the competent players. We had Pumpkin Don on drums, horrible, and with the need to be in charge, even though it was my band. Needless to say, he didn't last long. There was Gene Davis, a complete wannabe with no talent, and an even worse attitude of wanting to be in charge. At Pecos, our pay included drinks from the bar. After a couple of weeks, one of the owners politely calls me into his office to tell us they need to put a limit on the drink tab. I said it was not a problem, that we don't drink. He said, "Well, Gene does, he puts away drinks like there's no tomorrow, like ten or more per night" - and that's mixed drinks. I had no idea, but I whole heartedly agreed. He (Gene) also stole our name, we were "Dakota" (Lynda came up with it), Gene went down to the Commerce and Consumer Affairs office and registered the name in his name. So, when I had to send him on his way - for a few reasons, one of which was that he had punched Lynda - right in the face. So, we then named our band "Rio", which we used for the next ten years. And yes, I registered it right away before we announced it. It was lucky for me that a person warned me that Gene would do something like that. We could have used the name for a length of time, and Gene could have sued us, and probably gotten money, among other things.
Ok, so the main subject of me writing tonight is Jim Mitchell. He was a booking agent who had had a successful booking agency for the past ten years. He was the only one booking country acts, he had connections in all the military clubs on the island, as well as being the manager of the Cowboy Inn. So, he approaches me while I'm playing at Pecos, shifts things around, pulls me out of there so he can put his wife's band in. The name of her band was Tina Marie And The White Buffalo Band. They weren't good, people didn't care for them, they had no following. But Jim Mitchell had married Tina. For the record, she was 23, Jim was 63, fat, sloppy, cigar smoking crook from hell. Being that Tina was all about her ego, she was ok to have married this horrible person. So, I give him exclusive rights to book my band, figuring I'd be playing in all the military clubs, and the Cowboy Inn. Well, nothin' doin'. The first month he booked me 21 dates, I thought that was ok. Then it quickly went downhill from there, by the third or fourth month, we were down to 10 nights a month. Tina, on the other hand, was being booked seven nights a week, every week. This goes on for about a year. Why I put up with it for that long, I'll never know, I guess I as young and naive, thinking it would get better at some point. Well, it didn't. My wife and I are struggling to make ends meet, falling behind on things. At about the year mark, I don't know how this happened, but three different managers of three different military clubs call me at home. They inform me that they had been trying to get me to play at their club for a year, but Jim Mitchell keeps telling them we're booked up, but Tina happens to be open on those nights. As it turns out, per my conversations with these managers, I was open on 90% of the nights that Jim was telling them I was booked. After the third call, I fly down to Jim's office, I get in his face and tell him about my conversations, that I am now aware the he had been lying to the three club managers, and probably other managers of other clubs, and that he could stick his booking agency. So, I started going out booking my band. A musician in one of the independent bands, that I'd never even knew existed, called me and offered me to sub for his band on dates that he couldn't make. I think the band was called "High Country". So, with filling in for him, and what dates I booked on my own, after about three months, we were working 20, 25 nights a month. Not only that, but what Jim was telling us the pay from these clubs was - he was shorting us. He was telling us we were getting $200 - $250, while we were actually getting $300 - $350. Plus he was taking his 15% out. So, now the other 4 or 5 other bands that Jim Mitchell had been booking, saw that I was doing better on my own, they all fired the guy and started booking themselves. This guy had everybody threatened and scared, as in, "If you don't go through me, you don't work". So now he only has his wife's band to book, and nobody wanted her, so the only place she could play was at the Cowboy Inn - where he was manager. In a nice twist of fate, the owner of the Cowboy Inn had gotten wind of what Jim was doing - booking Tina 25 out of the 30 available nights - while people were beyond sick and tired of her. He fires Jim, hires a house band - Warren Johnson And The Gator Creek Band. So, Jim has no bands to book, and nobody wants Tina, he's not managing the Cowboy Inn anymore, so now he has nothing. The next thing I know, he's in Arkansas selling tires at his In Law's tire shop.
Let me backtrack and give you an idea of some of the horrible stuff he did. Besides lying to all those club managers for that year, he tried several other tricks. There was Wheeler Air Force Base, the Enlisted Men's Club. I had worked there something like once or twice while I was being booked by Jim. I had a following around the island from the places I did play. So, what Jim did is, he would book Tina, and advertise my band. Not only did some of the patrons tell me, but one of them showed me the poster that was still up in the hallway that said bigger than shit, "RIO", on whatever date it was. So, then there's Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station Enlisted Men's Club. Sundays were Rock & Roll Sunday, where the EM club would be packed with young, rowdy Marines. So, he books me there on a Sunday, figuring I would fail - us being a Country Band playing on Rock & Roll Sunday. Well, the band before us was a full on Rock & Roll band. They weren't very good, but they were a Rock band. We were outside the loading area waiting to load in. We could hear the room full of guys - booing to beat hell, yelling, carrying on. The band gets done, we load in, start playing. We did our usual rowdy Country Music, including a few fiddle songs. The Marines had a blast with us. I'm sure it didn't hurt us any that we had Lynda - who looked like a supermodel - in her tight fittin' jeans. I turned out to be a great day, the guys couldn't get enough of us. So, the following Monday, I go into Jim's office to get my paycheck for the previous week, and he poutingly says, "So, you whipped the fiddle out on 'em, huh". Another thing, Jim was a retired Air Force guy, he knew many of the people who ran the clubs. I guess that's how he was able to book bands all those years. So, it's New Year's Eve at Wheeler Air Force Enlisted Club. Some smartass by the name of Sergeant Harris decides he's going to try to knock my mic stand over, comes dancing by with his elbow aimed at my mic stand. I of course saw him coming, so I grabbed the stand so he couldn't knock it over. After about the third time of this, I lean over, "Hey, you better fucking knock it off". He of course, puffs his chest, says "Let's step outside". I said I have one more song to do this set, then I'll see you outside. I finish the song, he's huffing and puffing as we walk out to the parking lot. We walk past four big black guys in suits - they were the bouncers, and the woman manager was also out there. We get to the parking lot, and to make a long story short, the guy ends up a bloody mess. The MPs come, they take their reports, and they tell me there's nothing to worry about, this happens sometimes. Well, a couple weeks later, my drummer's mom, who worked at the Coast Guard base on Sand Island, tells Jerry (her son, our drummer) that Jim Mitchell called up after he'd heard about the incident, and convinced the Commander of all the Air Force bases on the island to punish me. So, a couple weeks later, I get a certified letter in the mail, saying that "Due to this unacceptable behavior, you are hereby banned from entering upon any and all Air Force bases and installations in the State Of Hawaii for a period of one year"
. So, he used this to see to it that I could not work at Wheeler, or, Hickam Air Force Base. More to hide behind while he booked his wife's band - me being out of the way.
There's more, but you get the picture. This was not a decent human being. He did get what he deserved in the end, though, lost his agency, lost his managing job at the Cowboy Inn, and lost his connections that he used to promote his wife's awful band. Selling tires at his In Law's tire shop in Arkansas is exactly where he belonged.
So, there are times when crappy people get what they earn, and this is one of 'em. One of the most satisfying times I've had.
Here's a link to a recording of my band, Rio, while we were playing at Pecos River Cafe - the newer location in Aiea. It's me on banjo and fiddle, Denny Hemingson on guitar, Ed Riley on bass, and Lynda on drums. I had a Peavey XR 1200, everything mic'd, and running into a Realistic (Radio Shack) cassette deck. Foggy Mountain Breakdown At Pecos