It's becoming common knowledge that the Powers That Be (Huge Corporation ownership and upper management, and government officials) are poisoning our food, water, air, and land. They are destroying forests, polluting oceans - with radiation, plastics and other wastes. They are polluting the land - also with toxic wastes, and with the chemicals that are inundating the soil via chemtrails (aluminum oxide, barium, strontium, and other toxic crap, and has been admitted by the Powers That Be, as in "We're doing it to slow global warming, so it's for your own good"). There is flouride (a known neurotoxin) in our water supply, they are screwing with nature down at the molecular and genetic level, they are putting massive amounts of chemicals in our food. They are destroying our forests - by cutting them down, and by burning them down. The bird population has been noticeable decimated over just the past two or three years - likely because all the toxins that are being put into the soil and water are killing worms, bugs, etc. so there is not enough for the birds to eat. I've noticed that the evergreens are turning brown. Most humans are sick in 2018, as opposed to in 1970, when very few people had organ dysfunction, high blood pressure, and countless other health conditions. When I was a kid, there were no massive medical centers like there are now, there were doctor's offices scattered throughout a city or town, and you could, without fail, make a phone call, and get in that same day. These huge medical centers of today, they are booked 2,3 4 months out, and are full, all day, every day. Mental illness an conditions are in epidemic proportions. Sea life is washing up on our shores - with "experts" denying that they know why. And this is only stuff off the top of my head, I'm sure there is a hell of a lot more going on.
I believe there is an ultimate goal for all of this. There are the sociopaths and psychopaths who own and are in upper management of large corporations, and in high government positions. My theory is that these people think that they can play "god" - not talking about the big guy sitting up there in the sky on a golden throne, but whoever or whatever wrote the blueprint for this universe, this life. At particular points in life's evolution, new life forms appear - first one celled ogranisms, then multi-celled organisms, then insects, fish, small animals, large animals, early human type beings, and now, full fledged human beings. I believe that these crazy people - the ones way up at the top of the food chain - the ones who pretend not to exist, while they screw us all - are up to something. To them, we are nothing more than cattle - expendable for their despicable mission. That something is that if/when they annihilate the human race down to a certain level - maybe near extinction, that the next, more "advanced" life form will appear. These people have been screwing with nature for decades - by way of genetic modification (of plants, animals, AND humans), by molecular modification (in plants, animals, AND possibly humans) in their delusional minds, would incite the next form of life to emerge. It's not gonna happen, guys, because the timeline is written - down there at the sub atomic level - as to when the next life form's time to appear arrives. They will not stop, they will continue to destroy life as we know it. I do, though, believe that the planet will step in, as it has already begun to, and stop humans before they destroy the planet. They may, though, succeed in annihilating most life forms that inhabit our planet at this point, but all that will happen is that the planet will be void of most life forms (plant AND animal, animate AND inanimate), making it more difficult for the next life for to sustain its life. The ecosystems are what they are, many have already been destroyed, and as more of them disappear, so will more life forms - the proverbial Catch 22.
So, as we all continue to be slowly murdered, most people sit back and pretend it's not happening, OR, that it's all part of the natural order of things. They hide behind clever but asinine cliches, they obsess about being liked, and about not being labelled as "Negative". They want to be like grandma, who "Never said anything bad about anybody or anything in her life, and everybody LOVED her".
I'm pretty sure that inside of the next fifty years, something drastic will happen. The beginnings are already here - the massive increase in hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, new, mutated diseases, and others. I believe there is no stopping it. "It is what it is", as they say. Whoever wrote the song, "Bad Moon Rising", was no dummy, every word in there is coming true.
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