Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Insomnia Epidemic - The Simple Cure

On the insomnia epidemic: Your sleeplessness is directly proprortionate to your degree of BS. Quit the denial, quit the pretentiousness, and quit believing the huge lie that if you go out into the world with a smile and a "good attitude", your life will be wonderful. Quit pretending everything is peachy when it's not. If you're angry, wear it, deal with it, but don't deny it - in fact, best not to deny anything about yourself - "socially acceptable" or otherwise. Quit denying your emotional content, just goddamit be who and what you are. Quit trying to be somthing you're not. Be responsible for your own crap, but never for anybody else's, or for things you have no control over. Cut the shit and you'll be amazed at how well you sleep. Oh, and fringe benefit - you might even start to like yourself and your own company - how 'bout THAT?  Oh, and fringe benefit - you might even start to like yourself and your own company - how 'bout THAT?

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