My belief is that the blueprint of life is down there at
the sub atomic level. Atoms attract to
each other to build life forms – both animate and inanimate (as we puny humans
recognize it). When atoms are floating
around out there in space, they find each other, they first build a ball of
gas, then it spits out tiny particles that form planets. A few million years of this, then life forms –
single cell organisms, bugs, animals, and humans. We here on this planet don’t have any way of
knowing what comes after humans, but I’m sure there will be more species to be
spawned – hopefully they will be smarter than the ignorant, self destructive
human race. I don’t believe there is any
such thing as fate, or any kind of pre planned life – life happens as it
happens – randomly and without any real purpose. We have our inborn self preservation
mechanism, and the need to reproduce, and some of us actually contribute
something worthwhile, but most humans don’t care one spec about doing anything
good for the world – it’s take, take, take, gimme, gimme, gimme.
Energy is present in all atoms, and all life forms. When I talk about life forms, I mean every bit
of matter – as it all has an energy force, which from where I sit, is
life. Relative to what other life forms
are closest to other life forms, the direction of energy flows mostly and
generally in the same direction. There
are rare exceptions, where one life form’s energy flow goes in the opposite
direction of most other life forms. The
result is that said life form seems to rub other life forms the wrong way –
repelling other life forms as we recognize it.
I don’t have all the answers, but I’m sure it’s a little more
complicated than that. Using my own life
from as an example, it appears that my energy flow is one of those that goes in
the opposite direction. I rub most
people the wrong way, most situations seem to be working against me, but,
strangely enough, major life threatening things seem to elude me. I don’t function well in society as we know
it, and I don’t take my own life all that seriously. What I mean by that is, when it’s my time for
this life form to end, I won’t object, and I certainly won’t be sad about it. To take it a step further, if or when the
time should come where my quality of life doesn’t suit me, I will voluntarily
end my own life. Not to worry, I’ve
never felt the need to take any life forms with me should that time come – I only
care to decide what to do with my own.
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