Tuesday, October 16, 2018

So, The Economy Is Doing Well, You Say?...

I continue to be amazed by how ignorant and blind so many people are.  TV says the economy is doing fine, to go spend your money, business as usual, and people so desperate to believe it, nod their heads and continue to pretend everything is peachy.  There's also that most are so goddam worried that somebody is not going to like them, or might call them "negative", so that adds to an already pathetic state of affairs.  Yeah, go ahead and be a chicken shit all your life, that way everybody will like you.

I've driven thousands of miles across this country over my lifetime - starting in 1973, and zig zagging to and from, till now.  I watched all those little towns shut down starting around 2009, when I first got back from Peru.  All these once thriving towns have since been boarded up; no businesses, no residents, nothing, gone.  On my way here just a couple weeks ago, it was more of the same, these little towns remain boarded up and deserted.  If the economy was doing well, wouldn't people be starting to move back out to these places?

Next, I just came from Carson City, where commercial real estate was largely empty - space after space being vacant the whole three years+ that I spent there.  The downtown area of Carson is a ghost town - no matter what time of day or night.  Before that it was Reno, which was once a thriving place - the past six years - another ghost town.

I spent four years up in South Lake Tahoe.  The first two years, the tourism seemed to be doing very well.  The second two years - noticeably less people visiting.  Being smack in the middle of the tourist area, I noticed the past two years, 95% of the people were the rich, snotty types - people who would go into a fine dining restaurant, order a $30, $40 lunch, and waste most of it - and the food at this particular restaurant was out of this world.  Such people with their attitude of, "I'm too good for this food, please take it away".  I digress, sorry.  My point is that the past two years, I saw very few people who were not of the Rich and the Ruthless.  I was used to that during the ski season - mostly spoiled rich kids, but the summers - from fun people who were your everyday people the first two years(2015, 2016), to the hopelessly snobbish who try desperately to establish their superiority, dragging the overall attitude down a bunch, the second two years (2017, 2018).  So, being that regular people haven't been up there the past couple of years, tells me that the media, the government, Corporate America, are lying to beat hell.  No, folks, the economy is not doing well.

I keep hearing our pos media saying, "We have created thousands and thousands of jobs...".  I say again, PLEASE, we do not need anybody to create jobs, we need laws to get huge corporations to get out of the way, quit monopolizing all the prime real estate, quit being able to pay off government regulatory agencies - not only to keep them off their backs, but to harass smaller business into oblivion.  Small businesses were the backbone of this once great country, but since huge franchised corporations have taken over, our economy continues its massive decline.  This decline in turn has destroyed families, friendships, and lives.  But who cares, all the ills of the world are caused by poor people, and the Rich and the Ruthless are the answer, right, Rush, right, Sean???  Idiots.

My prediction is that this bubble we're all in at the moment will burst within the next two years, and that's on top of some other major worldwide catastrophes that are now just looking for a time and place to happen.  Oh, and all caused directly by human greed.

So, goo back to sleep, you bunch of lazy, spineless dimwits, make sure everybody likes you, be like grandma, who never said a "bad" word about anybody or anything, see how that works out.


My Last Musical Note - Professionally Anyway

That's right, I finally retired from the horrible music business that I devoted 38 years of my life to.  It's been a long time coming.  I haven't enjoyed playing for audiences since the late 80s.  I plugged along, though, having in mind that I was just paying my dues - being sure I was going to get my shot at the next level.  Well, it never happened.  I've watched the music business - from top to bottom - deteriorate right before my eyes.  In the old days, it was difficult, because most record executive types wouldn't know a good artist or band if it came up and kicked the in the teeth.  The fact is, bands and artists "made it" in spite of the record labels, not because of them.  I once had a guy - Jon DeMello - record executive in Hawaii, tell me, right there on a talk radio show, "What you musicians don't understand is, most of the artists we sign don't even recoup the money we spend on promotion".  Well, hell, anybody in any job with that kind of track record would not be in business for very long.  It's different in the music business, though.  At the very top of the food chain, where money and status buys high powered publicists, complete with psychologists who advise these record company numbskulls how to trick people, who to trick, how to manipulate young minds, and desperate minds, and it works well for them.  I'm sure it would work better if they would actually sign real artists, but from all I've seen, it will never happen.  The result is that we will never see any more artists with the talent of Elvis, Jerry Lee, Hank, Johnny Cash, The Who, Led Zeppelin, and many others.  These self serving, egotistical imbeciles have gone even further, making damn sure they lock any talented artist out to the best of their ability.  Every once in a while, one does slip through the cracks (see Lady Gaga), but for the most part, what we must endure on mainstream TV, radio, downloading, streaming, and in concert, are a bunch of no talent blockheads who are so full of themselves that they can't even see how ridiculous they look, and sound, or why they were signed in the first place.  The early 80s were about the end of the road for any talent to be put out for us to listen to.

Well, I'm on to my new adventure.  I guess I better not say what it is, because with all the gaslighting I've lived through in my life, I figure whoever was screwing with me before will surely do their damnedest to stifle anything I might try to do - short of working at Walmart - which will never happen.  On that, Google has buried me, and YouTube (owned by Google), has buried me, so...

My new adventure sounds like a million times more fun than sitting in front of a bunch of unappreciative people whose main objective seems to be to make me feel like some kind of vagrant.  Nice try, people, I will never doubt me, nor will I feel bad about anything I've done.  I retire from music knowing that I did everything right, and that I had some amount of talent.  I know I had the stuff to have gotten a shot - beyond that, well, I'll never know.  That part will probably eat at me till I drop dead, but that's the way of the world.  So, on to new horizons, new exhilaration, new challenges, new experiences.

Later, people.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Birds Are Disappearing and Evergreens Are Turning Brown

Yeah, I've been noticing the #birds for a couple of years now.  The #evergreens, for four years, I'd been driving from Carson City to South Lake Tahoe 4 and 5 days a week, and only in the past few months living there had I noticed the evergreens turning brown.  Some are dead.

As always, the #PowersThatBe are ignoring, denying, and cocakamying.  Their bullshit stinks to beat hell.  There are a few sites on the internet that are saying it's because of pesticides killing #insectlife - which makes sense to me.  I haven't seen many #butterflies, and I haven't seen a #ladybug in years.  I wholeheartedly believe the #insects are disappearing because of all the poison being sprayed onto the planet.  #Roundup is killing more than just the #insects, but that's for another time.  So, if there is nothing for the birds to eat, of course they're dying off.

The #evergreens, well, that's as much or more scary than the bird population disappearing.  To add injury to insult, #Google has deleted and/or hidden any and all sites or #discussions where it's being said that the dying evergreens is because of those nasty, #toxic #chemtrails.  Not only is all that #aluminumoxide, #barium, and #strontium causing humans' organs to fail, but it's doing the same to #animals, and yes, killing the stuff that grows in the ground.  I'm sure the evergreens are just the first to show signs of death, give it a little time, the rest will follow suit.  You can be sure of one thing, when the Powers That Be spend all that effort and money to make something disappear (internet sites where truth is being told about certain things), that something is dreadfully wrong.  These are the same disgusting parasites who spent decades, and billions of dollars denying #ClimateChange, and denying #chemtrails.  By the way, "ClimateChange", my ass, it should be #ClimateDestruction, and #PlanetRape.  As a result of #geneticmodification, #GMO of our food, all the toxins being put into our food, into our water (chlorine - a known neurotoxin), and into the air - which in turn gets into the water and the soil, that #BigPharma, along with the #HealthCare biz, is enjoying its biggest profits in its despicable history.  And, don't get me started on this #vaccine #vaccines bullshit.

So, my belief is that the psychopaths in power - ownership and upper management of huge #corporations, with the help of our #politicians, and with the help of #Hollywood, we are slowly and systematically being sickened, and then #murdered.  I've tried to get people to wake the fuck up through #Facebook and #Twitter, but most people are so goddam afraid of somebody not liking them, or of having somebody call them "negative", or whatever else, that it's crickets whenever something important gets posted.  Post cute horsey pictures, and people go ooh aah, but anything important - deathlike silence.

As for me, I shut down my Twitter and Facebook accounts, because well, TMA (Too Much Aggravation).  I now try to just live my little life, doing my damnedest to steer clear of all the angry people that are out there in public places, poking an grunting - like my younger brother used to do when he was ten.

All for now.